January 2023 Final

have on hand. This can lead to backorders, where supplies are unavailable when needed, causing clinics to reschedule appointments. When it comes to a dental clinic, proper inventory management is essential for the smooth running of operations. Without effective management, a range of issues can arise that can cause significant disruption and lead to lost revenue. One of the most immediate problems associated with poor inventory management is an increased risk of backorders. Backorders occur when supplies are out of stock at the time they are needed, resulting in delays and rescheduled appointments. This not only leads to lost time but can also cause dissatisfaction among patients who may become unhappy with the level of service received. Ultimately, this can lead to patients seeking out alternative clinics that provide better care, causing a decrease in customer retention rates. Another common issue resulting from improper inventory management is increased costs. If supplies are not ordered correctly or frequently enough, prices may increase as a result of constantly needing to purchase items on short notice or in smaller quantities. This can also lead to inefficient use of resources as well as wasted time spent searching for the best deals or vendors to order from. Poor inventory management can also have a negative impact on customer relations; if orders take longer than expected or arrive incompletely filled, customers may become frustrated and dissatisfied with their experience. Finally, disorganization and lack of clarity around supply levels can negatively impact staff morale and efficiency levels within the clinic. Consistent rescheduling due to missing supplies causes stress and frustration among team members who then struggle to complete their duties in an efficient manner and often require additional guidance from their supervisors regarding how many items need replenishing or reordering from which vendor etc. When employees feel overwhelmed because no clear system is in place for managing inventory, team morale plummets and performance suffers which ultimately has an additional financial impact on the business due to lost profit opportunities or staff turnover rates becoming higher than usual. The Solution: Procurement Management Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: procurement management. By using a procurement management extension from A Medical Partner, dental clinics can effectively manage their supply chain and ensure that they have the necessary supplies for patient appointments. Procurement management is an extension from AMP to allow clinics to outsource Inventory Management with our dedicated Account Executives liaising between suppliers and tracking their orders so that any backorders can be avoided. Clinics will no longer bother with routine tasks associated with