Thankful Winter December

Our Passion, Our Mission Dental market statistics show that as corporate dentistry is on the rise, private dental practices are on an irreversible decline. Although various challenges and factors of unfair playing fields could make these valid reasons, we at AMP beg to differ and proved that in 2020 when we united hundreds of dental practices to battle the challenges aroused in the peak of the pandemic. We formed a group of over 400 dentists in less than amonth, raising over $1 million dollars tomanufacture required supplies, battled price gouging and created discussion groups to collectively open the practices safely. The success of our unity even brought corporate practices into collaboration with our community, showing the true strength and opportunities of private practices. The outcome of our united front solidified our beliefs of the greater potential for private dental practices to grow and expand their business longevity. The infrastructure we have built today allows more andmore practice owners to work together to create the same competitive advantages without losing control or giving up any ownership. We found our passion in leading this unity, resulting in the A Medical Partner platform; The new era of corporate dentistry , and the organization known to be a support system for all dental professionals. Our passion is to support each practice from business aspects to clinical. Our mission is to empower all practices who are a part of our network. Elevating one means to elevate all.